
A secure, reliable and traceable supply chain.

CARES has been active in Singapore construction sector for the past decade and has achieved SAC accreditation to reinforcing steel products according to SS560:2016 since 2018. More than 75% of reinforcing steels imported by Singapore were produced from CARES approved manufacturers around the world.

CARES is delighted to announce the launch of its new service in Singapore – Certification for Specialist Builders (In-Situ Post Tensioning Works) and Factory Production Control Certification of Alternative Structural Steel to BC1.

The development of the CARES certification scheme for the supply and installation of Post-Tensioning (PT) systems in the UK and its acceptance by the UK PT industry played a key part in the Highways Agency lifting its moratorium on grouted post-tensioned bridges in September 1996.

As part of our global commitment to improving end-user confidence in the supply and installation of Post-Tensioning systems for concrete structures, CARES have been proud to work with the BCA to launch a product certification scheme for Specialist Builders (In-Situ Post Tensioning Works) in Singapore.

In developing the scheme BCA, supported by CARES have engaged with the main stakeholders which include the current BCA licenced PT Specialist Builders.

The Specialist Builders In-Situ Post-Tensioning Works is based on the demonstration of the continuing operation of the quality management system consistent with ISO 9001 together with the requirements of Requirements for Certification of Specialist Builders (RCSB) issued by BCA.

The scheme also requires that the PT kit and associated materials supplied for used in the PT installation are subject to Factory Production Control certification and tested in accordance with internationally recognised standards as appropriate. The installation scheme and these material controls ensure product traceability at all times, providing confidence to project owners.

CARES also launch the certification scheme in Singapore for Factory Production Control Certification of Alternative Structural Steel to BC1 (Design Guide on use of Alternative Structural Steel to BS5950 & Eurocode 3).

There are a number of documents that deal with various aspects of post-tensioning of flat slabs, however none comprehensively deals with the technical aspects of post-tensioning in building construction. Consequently, CARES has produced a model specification as a guide to specification writers, which take account of regional specifications and state building control requirements.

Under the provisions of this design guide (BC1), alternative steel materials not manufactured to British Standards may be allowed in structural design based on BS 5950 and SS EN 1993. To be consistent, this design guide outlines the material performance requirements and quality assurance requirements to be imposed on all steel materials, including those manufactured to British Standards, intended for use in accordance with BS 5950 and SS EN 1993, in the context of Singapore.


Approval of grout

Grout suitability tests shall be carried out with materials, plant and personnel proposed for use on site at the commencement of the project, to verify the properties in accordance with EN445 to EN447

The tests shall be sufficiently in advance of grouting operations to enable adjustments to be made to the materials, plant or personnel.

Grout shall be stored in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

A secure, reliable and traceable supply chain.

CARES has been active in Singapore construction sector for the past decade and has achieved SAC accreditation to reinforcing steel products according to SS560:2016 since 2018. More than 75% of reinforcing steels imported by Singapore were produced from CARES approved manufacturers around the world.

CARES is delighted to announce the launch of its new service in Singapore – Certification for Specialist Builders (In-Situ Post Tensioning Works) and Factory Production Control Certification of Alternative Structural Steel to BC1.


A secure, reliable and traceable supply chain.

CARES has been active in Singapore construction sector for the past decade and has achieved SAC accreditation to reinforcing steel products according to SS560:2016 since 2018. More than 75% of reinforcing steels imported by Singapore were produced from CARES approved manufacturers around the world.

CARES is delighted to announce the launch of its new service in Singapore – Certification for Specialist Builders (In-Situ Post Tensioning Works) and Factory Production Control Certification of Alternative Structural Steel to BC1.


Model Specification

CARES Model Specification For Bonded Post-Tensioned Floors in Non-Highway Structures offers guidance to organisations for the use/installation of bonded post-tensioned floor slabs and beams containing monostrand or flat multistrand tendons.

CARES Model Specification covers quality and inspection and test plans, material product selection (tensile elements, anchorages, ducts and grout) and workmanship (tendon installation, pour watch, stressing and grouting) of the PT contractors.

Model Specification

CARES Model Specification For Bonded Post-Tensioned Floors in Non-Highway Structures offers guidance to organisations for the use/installation of bonded post-tensioned floor slabs and beams containing monostrand or flat multistrand tendons.

CARES Model Specification covers quality and inspection and test plans, material product selection (tensile elements, anchorages, ducts and grout) and workmanship (tendon installation, pour watch, stressing and grouting) of the PT contractors.

Approval of tensile elements

PT Strand shall comply with the requirements of BS 5896 or Pr EN10138-3 and execution specification.

PT Strand can only be procured from suppliers, which have a factory production certification scheme which is audited by an independent and accredited Certification Body.

Approval of tensile elements

PT Strand shall comply with the requirements of BS 5896 or Pr EN10138-3 and execution specification.

PT Strand can only be procured from suppliers, which have a factory production certification scheme which is audited by an independent and accredited Certification Body.

Approval of post-tensioning kits

Anchorages for PT systems shall be adequately identified to ensure traceability and comply with the minimum performance requirements as defined in the BCA Specialist Builder (In-Situ Post Tensioning Works) Certification Scheme. The post tensioning kit shall comply with the requirements of BS EN13391 or tested in accordance with EAD 160004-00-0301. PT kits which hold a valid ETA will be deemed to comply with the above.

Approval of post-tensioning kits

Anchorages for PT systems shall be adequately identified to ensure traceability and comply with the minimum performance requirements as defined in the BCA Specialist Builder (In-Situ Post Tensioning Works) Certification Scheme. The post tensioning kit shall comply with the requirements of BS EN13391 or tested in accordance with EAD 160004-00-0301. PT kits which hold a valid ETA will be deemed to comply with the above.

Approval of ducts

Duct and connection material shall be robust enough to resist damage during construction; for example smooth galvanised steel with a minimum wall thickness of 0.35mm, corrugated galvanised steel with a minimum wall thickness of 0.30mm or high density polyethylene or polypropylene with a minimum wall thickness of 2.0mm. Ducting should conform to the requirements of fib bulletin 75 or EN523 to EN524

Approval of ducts

Duct and connection material shall be robust enough to resist damage during construction; for example smooth galvanised steel with a minimum wall thickness of 0.35mm, corrugated galvanised steel with a minimum wall thickness of 0.30mm or high density polyethylene or polypropylene with a minimum wall thickness of 2.0mm. Ducting should conform to the requirements of fib bulletin 75 or EN523 to EN524

Approval of grout

Grout suitability tests shall be carried out with materials, plant and personnel proposed for use on site at the commencement of the project, to verify the properties in accordance with EN445 to EN447

The tests shall be sufficiently in advance of grouting operations to enable adjustments to be made to the materials, plant or personnel.


Approval of grout

Grout suitability tests shall be carried out with materials, plant and personnel proposed for use on site at the commencement of the project, to verify the properties in accordance with EN445 to EN447

The tests shall be sufficiently in advance of grouting operations to enable adjustments to be made to the materials, plant or personnel.

Grout shall be used and stored in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

Approval for Specialist Builders (In-Situ Post Tensioning Works)

CARES SPT-01 ‘Quality and operations assessment schedule for the Specialist Builders (In-Situ Post-Tensioning Works)’ describes the minimum quality and operations requirements for the post-tensioning of cast in situ concrete structures using bonded tendons comprising steel strands placed within or externally to the structural member. This scheme allows an approved specialist builder to supply, install, stress and grout the PT system using approved materials of known origin, required testing and appropriate certification by an accredited certified body in compliance with the BCA document - Requirements for Certification of Specialist Builders (In--Situ Post Tensioning Works).

Approval for Specialist Builders (In-Situ Post Tensioning Works)

CARES SPT-01 ‘Quality and operations assessment schedule for the Specialist Builders (In-Situ Post-Tensioning Works)’ describes the minimum quality and operations requirements for the post-tensioning of cast in situ concrete structures using bonded tendons comprising steel strands placed within or externally to the structural member. This scheme allows an approved specialist builder to supply, install, stress and grout the PT system using approved materials of known origin, required testing and appropriate certification by an accredited certified body in compliance with the BCA document - Requirements for Certification of Specialist Builders (In--Situ Post Tensioning Works).

Training requirements

CARES Registration Scheme for Competent Post-Tensioning Personnel’ is a key part of the CARES SPT01 Scheme. CARES requires PT companies to provide the training for PT supervisors and operatives and assess the effectiveness of the training. Once personnel have reached a satisfactory level, evidence of achievement is to be sent to CARES which then issues identity cards which must be worn on site. PT ID cards are issued to approved Firms for their PT personnel. Approved Firms should apply to CARES' office for the cards by submitting the application form (available from CARES office) together with a photo and PT training record for the personnel required.

Review of supervisor competence is a key component during the regular PT site audits.

Training requirements

CARES Registration Scheme for Competent Post-Tensioning Personnel’ is a key part of the CARES SPT01 Scheme. CARES requires PT companies to provide the training for PT supervisors and operatives and assess the effectiveness of the training. Once personnel have reached a satisfactory level, evidence of achievement is to be sent to CARES which then issues identity cards which must be worn on site. PT ID cards are issued to approved Firms for their PT personnel. Approved Firms should apply to CARES' office for the cards by submitting the application form (available from CARES office) together with a photo and PT training record for the personnel required.

Review of supervisor competence is a key component during the regular PT site audits.

Approval for Specialist Builders (Precast Concrete Products)

CARES SCPAS 01 – ‘Quality and Operations Assessment Schedule for Specialist Builders (Precast Concrete Products)’ relates to the quality system requirements to produce structural precast concrete products at a precast factory production yard in accordance with the relevant product standard and execution specification.

The certification of conformity by CARES will enable the applicant’s new registration or renewal of BCA Specialist Builder license under the precast concrete product manufacturer.

Approval for Specialist Builders (Precast Concrete Products)

CARES SCPAS 01 – ‘Quality and Operations Assessment Schedule for Specialist Builders (Precast Concrete Products)’ relates to the quality system requirements to produce structural precast concrete products at a precast factory production yard in accordance with the relevant product standard and execution specification.

The certification of conformity by CARES will enable the applicant’s new registration or renewal of BCA Specialist Builder license under the precast concrete product manufacturer.

Approval for Specialist Builders (Ground Support & Stabilisation Works for ERSS)

The purpose of certification of Specialist Builders (“SB”) on ground support and stabilisation works of “Specialist building works” in Section 2 of the Building Control Act is to ensure that BCA registered specialist ground support and stabilisation works related to Earth Retaining and Stabilising Structures (“ERSS”) conforms to the required standards and/or other normative documents.

CARES SCPAS 02 – ‘Quality and Operations Assessment Schedule for Specialist Builders (Ground Support and Stabilisation Works For ERSS)’ specifies the required quality management system, project quality plan, resources (competent personnel and maintained machinery) with the appropriate procedures or methods to execute the ground support and stabilisation works for ERSS in compliance with SCPAS 02 and required standards.

Approval for Specialist Builders (Ground Support & Stabilisation Works for ERSS)

The purpose of certification of Specialist Builders (“SB”) on ground support and stabilisation works of “Specialist building works” in Section 2 of the Building Control Act is to ensure that BCA registered specialist ground support and stabilisation works related to Earth Retaining and Stabilising Structures (“ERSS”) conforms to the required standards and/or other normative documents.

CARES SCPAS 02 – ‘Quality and Operations Assessment Schedule for Specialist Builders (Ground Support and Stabilisation Works For ERSS)’ specifies the required quality management system, project quality plan, resources (competent personnel and maintained machinery) with the appropriate procedures or methods to execute the ground support and stabilisation works for ERSS in compliance with SCPAS 02 and required standards.

Approval for Specialist Builders (Piling Works)

CARES SCPAS 03 – ‘Quality and Operations Assessment Schedule for Specialist Builders (Piling Works)’ relates to the quality system requirements for pile installation in accordance with the relevant product standard and execution specification.

The certification of conformity by CARES will enable the applicant’s new registration or renewal of Specialist Builder license for piling works.

The objective of the scheme is to give assurance that the installation/piling works complies with the relevant execution of special geotechnical works and customer/project specifications. It involves the assessment of quality and process control system of the specialist builder in executing supervision, monitoring, and appropriate product testing in ensuring conformity with the requirements of SCPAS 03.

Approval for Specialist Builders (Piling Works)

CARES SCPAS 03 – ‘Quality and Operations Assessment Schedule for Specialist Builders (Piling Works)’ relates to the quality system requirements for pile installation in accordance with the relevant product standard and execution specification.

The certification of conformity by CARES will enable the applicant’s new registration or renewal of Specialist Builder license for piling works.

The objective of the scheme is to give assurance that the installation/piling works complies with the relevant execution of special geotechnical works and customer/project specifications. It involves the assessment of quality and process control system of the specialist builder in executing supervision, monitoring, and appropriate product testing in ensuring conformity with the requirements of SCPAS 03.

Approval for Reinforcing Steels to Singapore Standard SS560:2016

CARES has been active in Singapore construction sector for the past decades and has achieved SAC accreditation to reinforcing steel products according to SS560:2016 since 2018.

CARES has currently approved more than 40 steel manufacturers around the world according to SS560:2016. More than 75% of reinforcing steels imported by Singapore were produced from CARES approved manufacturers around the world.

Approval for Reinforcing Steels to Singapore Standard SS560:2016

CARES has been active in Singapore construction sector for the past decades and has achieved SAC accreditation to reinforcing steel products according to SS560:2016 since 2018.

CARES has currently approved more than 40 steel manufacturers around the world according to SS560:2016. More than 75% of reinforcing steels imported by Singapore were produced from CARES approved manufacturers around the world.

Approval for Factory Production Control (FPC) Certification of Alternative Structural Steel to BC1

CARES FPC-01 ‘Quality and operations assessment schedule for the Factory Production Control Certification of Alternative Structural Steel to BC1’ is describes the attestation requirements in terms of factory production control (FPC) for the manufacture and supply of alternative structural steel in accordance with BC1. The FPC system shall cover all the production lines, units or departments, the full manufacturing process to the finished product placed on the market, including those outsourced or operated by subcontractors.

Final products in this FPC assessment may include:

a) Steel plates

b) Hot Rolled Sections

c) Hollow Sections

d) Steel for cold forming

e) Profiled Steel Sheet

f) Stud Shear Connectors

g) Hot Rolled Steel bars

h) Sheet Piles

Approval for Factory Production Control (FPC) Certification of Alternative Structural Steel to BC1

CARES FPC-01 ‘Quality and operations assessment schedule for the Factory Production Control Certification of Alternative Structural Steel to BC1’ is describes the attestation requirements in terms of factory production control (FPC) for the manufacture and supply of alternative structural steel in accordance with BC1. The FPC system shall cover all the production lines, units or departments, the full manufacturing process to the finished product placed on the market, including those outsourced or operated by subcontractors.

Final products in this FPC assessment may include:

a) Steel plates

b) Hot Rolled Sections

c) Hollow Sections

d) Steel for cold forming

e) Profiled Steel Sheet

f) Stud Shear Connectors

g) Hot Rolled Steel bars

h) Sheet Piles

Quality (ISO 9001), Environmental (ISO 14001) and Occupational Health & Safety (ISO45001) Management Systems Certification

ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 are all based on Annex SL (ISO high level structure) overarching by a common framework to all management systems which consistently aligns different management system standards, meanwhile additional discipline-specific requirements are applicable to each relevant management system standard under the top-level structure and apply common language across all standards. With these new standards in place, organizations will find it easier to incorporate their management systems into the core business processes and get more involvement from senior management.

Quality (ISO 9001), Environmental (ISO 14001) and Occupational Health & Safety (ISO45001) Management Systems Certification

ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 are all based on Annex SL (ISO high level structure) overarching by a common framework to all management systems which consistently aligns different management system standards, meanwhile additional discipline-specific requirements are applicable to each relevant management system standard under the top-level structure and apply common language across all standards. With these new standards in place, organizations will find it easier to incorporate their management systems into the core business processes and get more involvement from senior management.